Around you lies your own world. Whether you be on a computer in your room, on your phone on the train, on a laptop in a cafe, or anywhere else on Earth, your eyes are here. Invoked through the words on your screen, your mind conjured up a blob, changing form to your imagination.
Your avatar awaits. The gods of Eternus have requested beings from other worlds, like you, to go into the world and halp reform it. Gather the chaotic energy released in the Last Battle into your avatars and bring it back to the gods, so they may enhance the world and your avatars.
You form the avatar into your ideal form as you hear a voice...
1 Name: Order : never
Ah, good, a newcomer. Good to see this idea panning out. If you already know what to do, you can skip down to the bottom of this conversation and click the ENTER button to begin.
2 Name: Order : sometimes
...Alright, I see you're new. I'll give you a basic rundown, then. A long time ago, now, a pair of sorcerers hated each other. Their bickering and fighting evolved until one stepped over the line and killed the other's family. After spending many years finding necromancy to be a horrible practice that doesn't truly bring your loved ones back, she went berserk, killing everything and everything that breathed.
Her rival, having spent the years she spent researching necromancy gaining power of his own, tried to defend the world. Due to his attempts to prevent too much collateral damage in their fights, he suffered a fatal wound. In his dying breath, he cursed her to crumble to dust. Her own magic counteracted this to a degree, giving her just enough time to cast her magnum opus.
As you can see - well, I guess you can't quite see out your avatars yet. As I can confirm for you, the world has become a wasteland in the wake of her destructive spell. Even we gods haven't been spared. We started numbering in the thirties, but I'm the only god that's survived through the construction of this megaspell. A few plants and microoganisms survived and have begun the slow, slow process of repolulating the worl of Eternus, but Life is not my domain. The regrowth process is made significantly harder by the lingering power of her spell. That's where you come in.
3 Name: Order : always
Your avatar you've formed for yourself will be able to absorb the lingering energy from her spell. As you interact with the world, you'll absorb some of it. As you talk to and fight with other avatars, you'll absorb some of it, which your avatar will purify. We've decided to take inspiration from your world's roleplaying games, so we'll call the magic power you absorb experience.
You can gain experience from talking to others, moving around the world, attacking others, and using your skills. The more time you spend down in the world gathering experience, the better your avatar will be at fighting or using skills. As I'm the god of Order, I've given your avatars discrete values to mess with. It's very sparse, for now, but maybe we'll change that in the future.
4 Name: Order : now
You have HP, which is a semi-arbitrary value, increased by your endurance and slightly increased by your strength. It decreases as you're attacked and slowly regenerates over time. The speed at which it regenerates is increased by your vitality and slightly increased by your agility.
Strength increases the damage you do when you attack other avatars and slightly increases your HP.
Agility increases how fast you can attack and move between locations and slightly increases the amount of health you get back each hour.
Endurance increases your HP.
Vitality increases the speed at wich your HP regenerates. You constantly regenerate HP, but you usually regenerate less than 10% of your HP each hour.
Dexterity slightly increases the damage you do on normal attacks and heavily increases the damage you do if you manage to get the drop on an opponent.
5 Name: Order : tomorrow
For skills, you have quite a small amount of options compared to what you're probably used to. Maybe we can fix that in the future.
Deception lets me filter the perception of other avatars, decieving them into seeing incorrect information about you. This can result in you taking on a fake name for a while and obfuscating your exact stats when someone inspects your avatar.
Insight directly negates deception, though it requires actively paying attention to other avatars to know what's a lie and what's the truth, unless your insight is significantly higher than the other's deception.
Stealth makes it harder to find you. Others won't know you're in the same location as them. It also lets you place secret messages that most others can't see, though you can designate one person currently in your location as able to see a secret message you place.
Perception directly counters stealth, though it requires actively searching to find hidden avatars unless your perception is significantly higher than their stealth. It also lets you see secret messages placed by people with similar stealth to your perception.
6 Name: Order : yesterday
Once you leave this pagoda, you'll have to choose a framework on which the experience will gather. A class, if you will.
Slayers are great at direct fights, but are horrible at basically anything else. They will never find a hiding avatar or find a hidden message or know the true name of those speaking around them. If all you want is to punch things, being a slayer is right for you.
Maguses are able to do pretty much any skill they want. They can hide from the best observers and decieve all but other maguses. They are also fragile and rely on sneak attacks to do anything meaningful in combat. If you just want to explore the world, maybe choose to be a magus and put all your points into stealth, so you can safely explore without being attacked.
Gurus are a middle ground. Neither as strong as a slayer nor as capable as a magus, but also neither as weak as a magus nor incompetent as a slayer. A guru needs to put in over twice the work as a slayer or magus to match their performances in their expertise, but they're able to at least dabble in both worlds.
7 Name: Order : today
Once you're down in the world, you can talk into the magic around you and others will hear echoes of it for up to a day later. Secret messages are much more vulnerable to the magic and deteriorate after only an hour.
For now, you'll be pretty limited on where you can go, as the chaotic magic is too thick in most of the world, even for these specially crafted avatars you possess to handle. As you travel between locations, pay attention to the danger level. The various locations have a danger level determined by how often fights happen there. If you wish to avoid combat, maybe avoid locations with high danger levels. Just a few fights a day will cause the danger level to be a 10 out of 10.
If your HP ever reaches zero, you'll be put into a safe location, the Eternal Break Room, to regenerate, where avatars are physically incapable of fighting. The break room has many doors to various locations around the world, though they don't allow travel into the break room. Once you leave, you're gone until you're next put down to 0 HP. Once your HP reaches its maximum, you will be automatically thrown out of the break room to a random location it leads to, so make sure you leave a little before then so you can get where you want to go.
8 Name: Order : forever
Eventually, either you'll grow bored of your avatar or you'll feel your growth has slowed down by an unreasonable amount. Maybe you wish to experience what another class is like or have somehow sullied your reputation and wish to take on a new identity so people stop hunting you down. Maybe you just wish to contribute to the restoration of the world.
Regardless of your reasoning, you can sacrifice your current avatar to transfer all your gathered experience to me, so I can use the purified magic to restore the world. The gathered experience will be used for specific goals. Sometimes, I'll give you an option of which goal to contribute your experience to, sometimes I'll just use it on what I believe to be most important. If you ever want to know what the current goals are and how far from each you are, they are always down below the messages in your current location.
What? Not everything has to involve your avatar, sometimes it's easier for me to directly interact with the link between your avatar and your real body than it is to apply a change to the world.
When you sacrifice your avatar to restore the world, you will start over from scratch in a new body, which you can once again mold however you wish. If you want more classes, stats, and/or skills, or a more personal reward when you sacrifice your avatar, maybe start a petition. If enough people wish for the same thing, I might just add it to the capabilities of your avatars.